24/7 service at your fingertips
Whether you are on campus, online, or on another continent, we'll help get you answers to your questions right now. Academic Advising, your Concordia bill, Financial Aid, your course schedule and grades -- Concordia Central was created to help in the areas that are most important to you. Here you'll find frequently needed links, answers, and forms in one virtual place. And direct help from student service team members is only a click away.
Your uncommon life deserves an uncommonly convenient resource. That is why Concordia Central is here to serve you no matter your location or schedule.
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Find a resource below. "Favorite" it by selecting the star icon, and a shortcut to that resource will show here.
Find a resource below. "Favorite" it by selecting the star icon, and a shortcut to that resource will show here.
We've tagged all our resources for quick access. Type a word or phrase here to filter for the best match.
Academic Services Category
TopAcademic Advising
Academic Advising at Concordia University empowers the intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth of all students by providing comprehensive support toward...
Academic Resource Center
The Academic Resource Center supports students with two different services: Accessibility Services, and Academic Resources.
Accessibility Services
Learn more about CUAA's Accessibility Services Office, including where to register with Accessibility Services and what documentation is needed.
Shop new, used, rental and digital textbooks at the Bookstore. Flat-rate shipping. Get Cardinals clothes and spirit wear.
Graduation Information
Graduation is one of the most exciting times of your academic career. It can also be stressful. The information provided here will help you get through it.
Study Abroad
500 programs in 48 different countries, from one week to semester-long academic programs, part-time or full-time internships, and service learning...
Zimmerman Library
At the Zimmerman Library you’ll find scholastic print, electronic, and audio/visual resources our students, faculty, and staff need to support...
Advising Category
TopAcademic Advising
Academic Advising at Concordia University empowers the intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth of all students by providing comprehensive support toward...
Career Engagement & Industry Relations
We want to help you land that dream job!
Employers are hiring. Fortune 500, startups, and more recruit students on Handshake. Sign up today.
Career Services Category
TopCareer Engagement & Industry Relations
We want to help you land that dream job!
Continuing Education Studies
Continuing Education provides you with lifelong learning opportunities for all stages of life. Choose from several courses, offered online, to advance you in...
Focus 2 Career Portal
Still deciding on a major or looking to switch? Focus2 is an assessment tool to help you in this process.
Employers are hiring. Fortune 500, startups, and more recruit students on Handshake. Sign up today.
Health and Wellness Category
TopAcademic and Care Team
The Academic & Care Team (ACT) is an interdisciplinary team that identifies and ministers to students deemed to be at risk to themselves or others...
Counseling and Psychological Services
Free and confidential resource for students to meet with trained counselors. CAPS will help you reach and maintain mental, physical, and spiritual health.
COVID 19 Updates
Latest COVID-19 news and guidelines put in place to care for one another and protect the health of our students and employees.
Crime Prevention
How-to guide for personal safety, property security and other crime prevention tips. Call Campus Safety at 734-358-1340 for help.
Emergency Procedures
Timely warning procedures, the RAVE Emergency Alert text system and an active shooter survival video.
Health & Wellness
A collection of services available to students for their health and well-being.
In Case of Emergency
If you are experiencing uncontrollable suicidal thoughts or urges and/or any other physical or psychological emergency, please call one of the following...
Sex Discrimination and/or Sex-Based Harassment Policies
If you have been a victim of harassment, do not hesitate to report the incident. There are options available to file a sexual harassment or sexual assault...
Student Emergency Funds
The Dean of Students Office may be able to assist you with short-term support when you are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to temporary...
Financial Resources Category
TopBilling & Payments
What you need to know about your billing statement.
Financial Aid Resources
Learn what FAFSA is, how to apply for it, and understanding loans before and after you decide to receive them. If you have questions or need clarity on any...
Accreditation & Approval
Concordia University Ann Arbor campus is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Documents are on file in the Office...
Cashnet Payment Plan
To help assist with your tuition payments, Concordia University offers convenient payment plans. You can use a payment plan to pay all or part of your...
FERPA Release Form
Permission to release your student record information to individuals designated by you.
Financial Aid Video Resources
Explore our step-by-step Financial Aid videos, including FAFSA, verification information, and Student Loans 101.
Graduate Tuition & Fees
Understand the graduate program costs for the academic year. Our admissions staff is pleased to assist you with a financial aid package that fits your needs.
International Tuition & Financial Aid
Tuition, housing, food costs and other fees for international students this academic year.
Online Undergraduate Tuition & Fees
Tuition and fees for Concordia's online undergraduate classes.
Scholarships & Grants
A wide variety of scholarships are available to help you offset your college costs and the eligibility criteria are as varied and unique as our students.
Uncommon Scholarships
Learn more about a variety of scholarships for adult, post-traditional, online and non-traditional learners.
Undergraduate Tuition & Financial Aid
Cost details for tuition, room, food and other fees for undergraduates at CUAA.
Registrar Category
Top1098-T Tax Form
Federal tax document for reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses.
Academic Calendars
Find out more about the upcoming academic school year.
Accelerated Undergraduate Major/Minor Change
Are you a accelerated undergraduate student looking to change your major or your minor? Complete this form to make a major/minor change!
Course Add and Drop (Schedule Change)
Complete this form if you'd like to make a change to your schedule, adding and/or dropping courses.
Course Catalogs
View the most recent course catalogs here.
Credit Transfer Policy
Concordia accepts credits from any regionally accredited four-year, two-year or technical college subject to the following requirements, as outlined in the...
Degree Verification
For employers or background screening firms, Concordia uses National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verification.
Graduation Application Steps
An essential step to acquiring your diploma; whether you plan to attend the ceremony or not, all prospective graduates must complete the Graduation Application.
Name & Address Change Form
Need to request a name, address, or phone number change? Complete this form!
Request Transcripts
Find out if you're able to request transcripts, how to request transcripts, and download the transcript form.
Self-Service Banner: Final Grades
View your final grades on the Portal.
Self-Service Banner: Midterm Grades
View your midterm grades on the Portal.
Self-Service Banner: Registration Tools
View registration status, update student term data, complete pre-registration requirements, and register for classes.
Self-Service Banner: Unofficial Transcripts
View, download, and print your unofficial transcripts here.
Traditional Undergraduate Major/Minor Change Form
Are you a traditional undergraduate looking to change your major or your minor? Complete this form to make a major/minor change!
Undergraduate Transfer Credit Request Form
This form is used for current traditional undergraduate students who request to take a course at another university/college and transfer it to Concordia...
Student Life Category
TopAlumni Association
Stay in touch with CUAA after you graduate.
Anonymous Tips
Report an anonymous tip. Immediate assistance needed? Contact 734-995-7502 or 911.
Campus Worship
Students at CUAA can engage and participate with fellow students in various worship opportunities throughout the week.
Clubs & Organizations
Get involved at Concordia through a student club or organization.
Concordia Cardinals Athletics
Being a Concordia Cardinal isn’t just about out-scoring competitors in the athletic arena. It’s about developing as an individual, both in and...
Food & Dining
Dining Services offers a variety of meal plans and dining options for both on-campus residents and commuters. Bon appetite!
Kreft Arts
The Kreft Arts at Concordia University Ann Arbor strives to inspire the artistic, intellectual, and creative experiences of our students and our community.
Parking and Vehicle Registration
All students, faculty, and staff personnel are eligible to maintain a motor vehicle on campus once the registration process is complete.
Residence Life
Living on campus at CUAA is the best way to get the full college experience.
Technology & Tools Category
TopContact I.T. Helpdesk
Contact the Information Technology (I.T.) helpdesk of Concordia University Ann Arbor here.
Concordia’s online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing tool.
Computer Requirements
Recommended computer requirements for students taking classes at Concordia University.
Faculty and Staff Directory
We've curated a list of resources for faculty and staff of CUAA.
Password Reset
Current students, alumni, adjunct faculty, and former employees can change their Concordia account password using this link.
Portal (my.ndkllx.com)
An essential tool for all faculty, staff, and students. Grades, email, financial aid, housing, class registration, and so much more are all managed via the...
Access your university student email account.